The Story of a Love

This is the story of a real romance, between a man and a woman, seen solely from the perspective of the man. The story is reported live, as it happens. The outcome is not clear - could go either way. If you are here the first time, the blog should be read from the end, to get the "whole story" in the right timeline sequence.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

The thin causality line

Her SMS comes in the morning. A nice greeting when waking up. She enjoyed my SMS trip log. And her brief message conveys a sense of affection.

I am in love with her. She is the woman I was looking for all my life. She combines all the features that characterize a desirable woman: she is beautiful and sexy, she is intelligent, interested, curious, open, and she seems to have a golden compassionate heart. I feel the resonance in my heart, even from these email messages, in which we actually did not yet discuss any personal matters. I do not know how this will continue – but I am looking forward very much to finally meet her again after her return! This would be quite a weird meeting – we are already quite close to each other, sending us evening and morning greetings per SMS.

Considering what a thin thread that was which brought us together: I might not have moved to that town where I live now, might not have gone to that meeting... It were all very thin causalities that ended up in the current situation. 8 years ago I got acquainted to the person who then gave me the recommendation for my current job. If I had not met that person, I would have never moved where I am now. But since I kept a friendly attitude, he kept me on file for possible job opportunities. And here I am now. That business meeting last week where I met her, was also a consequence of a very thin causality thread. Normally I would have no reason to visit them. But 2 years ago I met their group leader at another meeting, and since I was now in town, I decided to catch up with him. If I had not met him earlier, and if I had not strayed in touch with him, I never would have met her. And how I met him also was quite “thinly” linked: I volunteered for a professional activity that was not really in my core domain, and got acquainted to him there. If any of these very thin and fragile links had been broken, I would not have met her.


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