The Story of a Love

This is the story of a real romance, between a man and a woman, seen solely from the perspective of the man. The story is reported live, as it happens. The outcome is not clear - could go either way. If you are here the first time, the blog should be read from the end, to get the "whole story" in the right timeline sequence.

Friday, April 07, 2006

A shocking revelation

After that hopeful mode of the past few days, in which we seemed to get closer, again today a bummer. She had mentioned that there had been so much commotion in her personal life lately... of course I related that to our "story", but I wanted to hear from her more details. Maybe she had some discussions with her boyfriend, maybe she was working towards a solution. I was just curious. Then her reply came, explaining this commotion, that they had bought a house together, and had to buy furniture.

When I read this, again a world broke down for me. This was what she has been busy with all these weeks? Why did she not tell me? I thought she lived in an apartment? I thought she does not like houses? I did not think that their relation was already so close that they bought property together...

What seemed to have been possible just a moment ago, a breakthrough in our relationship, now again seemed to move far away.

And I am devastated. Sit in my office, a blank stare to the computer screen. I do not even know how to reply to this. I need to meet with her. Hear from her the whole story of what is going on. I feel like I know nothing, and am just making a big fool of myself here in these emails with her.


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